For over eleven years, I’ve prioritized authenticity in supporting people on their body journey. I’ve helped hundreds of individuals make peace with their bodies by sharing candidly about my own experiences. My work focuses on healing broken or challenging body relationships through self-care and holistic wellness—without shame or judgment.
This mission is deeply personal. I’ve lived through my own struggles with body image, internalized fatphobia, and chronic illness. Drawing on years of education, training, and lived experience, I help others heal their body relationships. No matter how much progress I’ve made, challenges in my body relationship still arise. Recently, I’ve been working to return to movement after a two-year break, allowing my body to strengthen and recover from chronic illness challenges and thyroid surgery. And that’s okay. Healing isn’t a destination—it’s an ongoing journey with highs and lows. Sharing these realities helps normalize the struggles we all face and reminds us that maintaining a healthy body relationship takes continual work and self-compassion.
The Realities of a Body Relationship
Even with self-care, holistic wellness, and affirmations—and the support of a body liberation community—moments of struggle still arise. I experience a range of emotions that might feel familiar to you:
- Frustration: When my favorite outfit no longer fits.
- Discouragement: Losing momentum in my movement routine and starting over.
- Anxiety: Eating certain foods in public, fearing judgment (especially as a fat person).
- Temptation: Considering crash diets to meet societal standards.
- Exhaustion: Constantly fighting beauty standards to embrace my own body.
- Fear: Worrying about body judgment in social or professional settings.
- Guilt: Prioritizing self-care over work.
- Envy: Seeing others celebrated for fitting beauty norms.
- Sadness: Coping with the challenges of chronic illness.
While Some moments of discomfort pass quickly, while others linger. These emotions don’t define my body relationship as “good” or “bad.” How I process and respond to them makes the difference.

Processing Challenging Feelings
Here’s how I honor my commitment to a loving body relationship, even during tough times:
- Accept the Feelings: Acknowledge emotions without denial. For example:
“I am frustrated that my clothes don’t fit.”
- Release Guilt and Judgment: Show yourself compassion:
“It’s okay to feel frustrated. This is a normal reaction.”
- Sit with the Feelings: Reflect to uncover their origins:
“Why am I frustrated? What do I need right now?”
- Refer to Your Truth: Reaffirm what you know:
“My body size fluctuates for many reasons. I am still worthy and loved.”
- Create an Affirmation: Balance your feelings with your truth:
“I feel frustrated about this change, but I honor my body through it.”
If you’re looking for a space to process your thoughts or need tools to guide you in moments like these, the Body Relationship Journal is a powerful resource. It provides prompts and exercises to help you explore your feelings, connect with your truth, and nurture body peace. Click below to learn more and get a copy delivered straight to your door.
Loving Your Body Through Imperfection
The relationship with your body is like any other meaningful connection. Just as romantic relationships require patience, compromise, and communication, so does your relationship with your body. Challenges don’t mean failure; they’re opportunities to grow stronger, more compassionate, and more patient with our bodies and ourselves.
Letting go of perfectionism is essential. Neither you nor your body needs to be perfect. Instead, embrace challenges as chances to deepen patience, understanding, and self-love. These qualities will empower you to navigate your body journey with confidence and grace.
Reflect and Share
Can you relate to any of the feelings I’ve shared? How do you manage challenging body image days? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Share your feedback in the comments below, and feel free to share specific examples of your own challenges or successes. Join the conversation about building a healthier, more loving body relationship.