Do you ever feel your relationship with your body is holding you back?  Maybe you’ve invested money in clothing, shoes, and grooming, but underneath all the external decadence, you are still uncomfortable in your own skin.  


If this is the case, you are not alone.  Over 95% of people have feelings of unhappiness about their appearance. Body image issues are pretty common.  Thanks to the pressures of social media and social body standards, many people feel like their bodies aren’t good enough. However, there is hope. You can find a resolution to your body image challenges. You can begin to heal your relationship with your body. You can become comfortable in your body without even changing it. Here are ten tips to help you get started:


Give thanks for your body.

Despite imperfections, illnesses, or disabilities, your body is doing its best to support you. Showing gratitude for your body can help you feel more connected to your body. Take a moment each day to write a thank you note to a specific body part.  Use compassionate, affirming words to give thanks. When you are ready to go to the next level, try saying those words out loud to your body. It may feel awkward initially, but the more you do it, the more you will experience the benefits. 


Learn your body.  

Become an expert on your body.  Learn what foods and activities feel good to your body.  Notice how your body responds to what you eat and what you do.  Pay attention to signals your body gives: hunger, fatigue, illness, pain, pleasure, and other sensations. The more you learn about your body, the more appreciation you will foster. Knowing your body helps to strengthen the connection to your body. 


Prioritize your body. 

 Put your body on your schedule.  Add it to your list of commitments.  Make self-care and body connection imperative in your life. You cannot grow to love something that you neglect.  The more you prioritize care for your body, the better you will begin to feel about it.  It’s all about creating a relationship with your body, and relationships are built on healthy connections.  When you want to be in a relationship with someone, you make them a priority.  The same thing applies to your body.   


Stand up for your body.

Don’t allow anyone to mistreat your body.  That includes yourself too. Have a no-tolerance policy for body bullies.  Do not accept negative thoughts, words, or actions toward your body.  Even if you are still learning to embrace your body, do not allow anyone to send body hate your way. Your body is sacred.    Have boundaries and defend them proudly.


Don’t compare your body.  

Your body is unique, and there is no comparison. Comparison discredits the individuality of each person. You can admire another person’s body without comparing yourself to them.  Give a compliment.  Uplift another person.  But stay away from comparing your body to someone else’s. Social media can make this difficult because you may constantly be viewing images of other people’s bodies.  The temptation to view other people as “body goals” can be substantial.  Pay attention to how often you fall into the comparison trap.  You may have to alter your feed until you have more body peace.  

Embrace your body now.  

Yes, you may have goals.  You may want to change your size, your shape, or even your weight, but remember, whether or not you manifest your goals, your body is worthy of love right now.  Your body will fluctuate and change throughout life. You can choose to affirm yourself in every stage of life, even while working on your goals.  


Be patient with your body.  

Whether it be working on wellness goals or managing illness and physical challenges, your body deserves patience.  Very few body changes happen overnight. Improving your wellness and healing takes time. Even when you feel impatient, remember that your body is not your enemy, it is working on your behalf. A little bit of compassion goes a long way.  You will not always have “good” body days but know that your relationship with your body is a journey, not a destination.  There’s no finish line to rush to.


Try new experiences with your body.  

Take a dance class. Learn a new sport.  Test out a new perfume. Try a different style of clothing that you’ve always been afraid to wear. Taste an exotic fruit that’s new to you.  Just go out and experience adventure with your body.  Discover new strengths and abilities that you didn’t know you had.  It’s a great way to build up your body confidence and have fun!

Make peace with your body’s “flaws.”

 There is a difference between knowing your flaws and embracing them.  We all have a thing or two that we consider to be a “flaw” about our bodies.  Sometimes we put too much energy into feeling bad about our flaws or trying to cover them up.  When you can accept your flaws as part of what makes you unique, you will begin moving into a space of acceptance and peace with your body.  


Remember that you are not your body.

 Body peace is essential, but it is just as important to remember that you are much more than just a body. Your body is a part of you but does not define who you are.  You have intellect, emotions, talents, and gifts that extend far beyond your physical appearance and abilities. You are a soul that lives in a body. Consider your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being in addition to your physical. A holistic perspective about your existence can help give you more harmony and balance.  


Are you ready to connect with your body in a loving way and feel empowered in your life? I invite you to try a few of these tips. I’d also love to hear your feedback. What tips resonate with you? Which ones are you willing to try? Please feel free to share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.


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